After a long pause from online presence, the Youtuber Ze Frank came back. He already had a following, an audience who wanted more as was very exited for his return. His first video? It was about how scared he was to do this and how to handle those emotions1. Back in 2012 I watched that video and it stuck with me. It's still something I think about whenever I want to create something. This already succesful creator was scared and unsure of himself. It seems like the only difference between success and failure is that succesful creators know what to do with those emotions.
So, taking inspiration from another creator, CGP Grey2, this in my Autumn of Writing. I'm not setting a goal for me to fail at. This is a theme, not something I even can fail. This autumn I want my creative energies to be directed towards writing. Perhaps I'll even make a habit of it and keep doing it, but it's okay if that doesn't happen. I'm not going to write every day. When I do write, it won't always be for this blog. I'm not going to write about anything in particular or in any one format. But I am sticking to my theme, so I'm writing whatever I want!
So what's this blog about? I see this as a space for me to practice writing and publish whatever I want other people to think about, or maybe just something about me I want to share. I like thinking about politics, health issues, history and science among other things, so maybe I'll write more about all those things. This is not always going to be totally accurate with sources cited, and definitely not peer reviewed! This is just a place for my thoughts, sometimes well researched, sometimes not. But I don't like the idea of spreading false information, so I do strive to have my facts straight.
Next up I plan on writing a bit about my health and some things that are diffcult for me. Self centered? Hell yes! But I suffer from a condition more people need to be aware about. Best case scenario, perhaps I even manage to reach someone suffering from it without knowing. What can this mysterious condition be? Stay tuned for next time!
Hope you have a nice day!
1 An
Invocation for Beginnings by Ze
2 Your
Theme by CGP Grey
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